Privacy Policy
This is the website of
Our office address is :
Laagsteen 17
4815 PH Breda
Breda , Netherlands
Our mailing address is :
Laagsteen 17
4815 PH
Breda , Netherlands
Our registration number at the Chamber of Commerce :
Our B.T.W. number is NL8107.88.536B01
When you visit our website, our web server automatically recognizes either your domain name or your email address.
When you visit our website, we keep
• Your e - mail address when you post messages / questions on this website
• Your e - mail address if you communicate to us
• Your e - mail address if you participate in discussion forums
• The domain of other sites you have visited to go to our site
• All information related to the pages you have visited on our site
• all the information that you provide voluntarily ( eg research information and / or site registration )
This information is used
• to improve the content of our website
• to suit each individual visitor , the content and layout of our pages
The information is only used internally and is not passed on to other organizations for commercial purposes.
On this site we use cookies ( a cookie is a small file that is sent by an Internet server that installs itself on the hard drive of your computer . This file keeps track of the Internet site and contains some information on this visit )
• to record your preferences
• To register , including information on what you add to your shopping list information sessions
• to record specific to you, such as the web pages you have visited to go to our site information
• to keep you informed of new items that might interest you on your next visit to our site
• To register , send you on your next visit to offer a better service your previous activities on the site
• to ensure that you do not repeat the same ads receive
• to adjust according to your browser type or other information sent by the browser , the content and presentation of the site
We have no partnerships or special relationships with third parties on the Internet.
If we transfer or receive your information on our website , we always use encryption technologies that are recognized as standard within the IT sector.
If we receive or transfer sensitive information such as financial or health information, we use a secure server . You will be informed via a screen that is shown on our website ( popup ).
How to contact us regarding our privacy policy?
If you wish to comment on our privacy policy , please contact us
• By email:
• By phone: 076-5430808
• By mail : Laagsteen 17 4815PH Breda , Netherlands
Communication by e - mail
If you wish to receive no emails from our company, in the future, please contact us at the above address.
About communication by letter
If you give us your postal address via the web , you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on products and services . If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please contact us at the above address .
Communication by telephone
If you give us your telephone number via the web, we can call with you regarding information about our products and services . If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls, please contact us at the above address .
Our company may use consumer information for new purposes not yet included in our "privacy policy" . In that case, we will contact you before we use for these new purposes , your data to keep you informed of changes to our regulations for the protection of personal data and to give you the opportunity to refuse your participation.
Upon request we provide visitors to our site access to all information that we maintain about them . If you wish to access this information, please contact at the address listed above contact us.
Upon request we offer visitors to our site the opportunity to correct . Correct information that we maintain about them , If you wish to correct your personal information, please contact at the address listed above contact us.
If you find that our site is not in accordance with our privacy policy , please contact our company at the above address .
About social media
On shisha you find so called buttons that allow you to share or promote through various social media such as Facebook and Twitter pages. Every social network has supplied the code for these buttons yourself. These codes set a cookie .
In the privacy statements of Facebook , Twitter , you can read what they do with the personal information to process these codes .
In it is possible to register by using your existing Facebook or Twitter account . Use Upon registration is requested permission to display some data and functionality associated with that account . Bax insight It provides all the privacy conditions of Facebook, Twittervan application .
Data obtained in contests on Facebook , Twitter are only used to be able to contact the winner (s ) .